Monday, December 19, 2011

1st week and Departure for Norway

It took me a while to navigate the blog in Hungarian and set the language back to English...  My first week here has been full of great things like: castles, parliament, teaching, performing in a Christmas concert, and last but certainly the greatest... Hungarian gouyash and kielbasa.  If you ever end up in Budapest treat yourself to kielbasa and gouyash.

This past weekend I had the pleasure of going to the Hungarian countryside and having lunch with a lovely Hungarian family.  This family put on a whole Christmas program for my father and I right in their living room which included a Frank Sinatra song and assorted Hungarian songs I couldn't recognize.  Great music and great hospitality!  And the food was too good for words

I'm headed to the motherland tomorrow with the family!  We're hoping for enough snow to make things pretty but not so much that our flights will be delayed.  More news to come and more frequent updates now that the blog is set up in the right language.   my very best,


Friday, December 9, 2011


This is the view from my bedroom window.  The school I'll be teaching at had a student concert tonight and my dad said they'd know I was his son if I fell asleep during the show.  I fell asleep before leaving the apartment...  

Thank you all for the safe travel wishes. The flights were on time, the layovers short, and I got the window seat for all three flights.  Good afternoon friends,


Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I am leaving for Budapest tomorrow to visit my parents and teach math to high schoolers.  To my friends I didn't get to say goodbye to due to poor farewell planning/busy work schedule, if you don't give me your address you won't get a postcard.

All my very best to dear lovers and friends with "the parting glass" humming in my mind,
